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Welcome to Version1!

Welcome to our software development blog. 

Version1 is about practices, tools and techniques for developers, in Python, Javascript and any other language, with a focus on delivering concrete, practical solutions.

We believe in Agile and Free Software. We follow the Version1 Manifesto.

  1. Trust interactions: inside the team and with the client.
  2. Organize in iterations: deliver fast, frequently and, as possible, continuously.
  3. Empower teams: get to the best attainable solutions.
  4. Focus on value: maximizing value is the direction to take.
  5. Fight waste: plan and document just enough.
  6. Software is speech: free software is freedom of expression.
This is where the name comes from: let's focus on version 1 and go from there, evolving into a complete product. Let's get ready to deliver continuously? Let's go!
